Responsible for the processing of data for Monogram Partners IKE, is Socialab EPE.
Monogram Partners IKE, has assigned the processing of data to Socialab EPE. Your contact will be saved in our system to satisfy your request and to the improve our services.
We are going to delete all your personal data as soon as our communication is completed.
We are not going to use your personal information for any purpose other than our communication. Your data are saved in the server of the German Company Hetzner,
where Socialab EPE has exclusive use and management. We will not transfer your data out of the European Union.
You can ask for details any time convenient to you, concerning your personal data, or ask us to delete them, by sending an email in {..email GDPR πελάτη..}.
Read carefully in the Privacy Policy all the information on how we protect and use your personal data.